Wednesday, July 22, 2015

A Week in San Antonio/New Braunfels - Day 1

This summer we took our annual summer vacation to San Antonio.  Every year we go, we try to incorporate some of the kids' favorite experiences.  We are fortunate that we have family there, and their kids are close in age to our own.  This year's highlights include a trip to Sea World and Aquatica, the Alamo, Natural Bridge Caverns, an overnight stay in New Braunfels along with floating the Comal river, new parks, and most importantly, connecting with family.

Day 1 was a travel day for us.  We left Houston early in the morning with the goal of arriving in San Antonio by lunch.  I-10 is always an interesting drive.  You never how construction will impact the drive.  This year was no exception.  We made it out of Houston, then came to a stand still in Columbus.  Lucky for us, our little lady had to go to the bathroom, so we were forced to get off the highway.  After taking a needed potty break, we found an alternate route that got us around the traffic without losing too much time.  My advice is to look at a map and not solely rely on your GPS.  Whether it is on your phone, GPS, or road atlas, look for alternate routes.  You never know when you will need one, and if your GPS is anything like ours, whom we affectionately named Lois, she wants you to go her way and no other.  Also, give your kids a map and have them track your route while you drive.  Reading a map is becoming a lost skill, that is not taught anymore.  We rely so much on technology that we forget simple skills we learned in elementary school.  We have to remember that technology will not help in every situation.  We have to be able to make our own decisions on the fly without the hinderance of what "Lois" wants us to do.  Why not use the time in the car to begin teaching a life-long survival skill?

We were smart with packing this year, and packed enough snacks that we were able to make it all the way to San Antonio without stopping for lunch.

The rest of the day was spent hanging out with family in the back yard.  Our kids love the water, so that is what we gave them...their own backyard water park, complete with catch pool, two slides, and climbing wall.

Looking to plan your next family vacation...let My Travel Pros help you research and book your travel plans.  My Travel Pros specializes in family vacations and romantic get aways.  Contact them for all of your travel needs.

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